| Name | Description |
| ActivateLicense |
Activates the license.
| AddNetCamTemplate |
Adds a Network Camera template.
| CapturePicture |
Captures a static image.
| ConnectCamera |
Connects a new source and default plugins (sourceIdx -1) or update an existing source (sourceIdx >= 0).
| ConnectCameraJson | Same as ConnectCamera (Json friendly). |
| ConnectCorePlugin |
Connects the core plugin.
| ConnectPlugin |
Connects a new plugin or update existing plugin on a given video source.
| ConnectPluginJson | Same as ConnectPlugin (Json friendly). |
| DeleteGlobalVariable |
Deletes the global variable.
| DeleteRemoteItem |
Deletes the remote item.
| DeleteRule |
Deletes the rule.
| DeleteUser |
Deletes the user.
| DisconnectCamera |
Disconnects a source.
| DisplaySourceProperties |
Displays the source properties (Local sources only). Note: the source properties will be displayed on the server.
| Dispose |
Performs application-defined tasks associated with freeing, releasing, or resetting unmanaged resources.
| DownloadRemoteItem |
Downloads the remote item.
| GetAudioGraph |
Gets the audio graph.
| GetAvailablePlugins |
Provides the list of available plugins (Core plugins + Source plugins) as well as their default settings.
| GetAvailableSources |
Provides a list of available sources (Needed for connecting new sources).
| GetAvailableSourcesJson | Same as GetAvailableSources (Json friendly). |
| GetAvailableSyncPlugins |
Gets available synchronization plugins.
| GetCameras |
Provides information on all connected sources that the requesting user is authorized to monitor (Name, Id, Settings, Resolution, etc...).
| GetCamStatus |
Provides source information for the target source (IsRecording, IsScheduler, IsMotion, FPS, etc...).
| GetConnectedUsers |
Gets a list of connected users.
| GetCorePlugins |
Gets a list of core plugins.
| GetDatesWithItems |
Returns the statistics for alerts (number of records, size used...)
| GetEventLogs |
Returns the list of events (logs) based on the provided criterias / filters
| GetExtraList |
Provides the list of templates for a given provider / source. Currently only supported by VideoSource.Netcam provider.
| GetGlobalVariables |
Gets a list of global variables.
| GetItemInfoForPeriod |
Returns the statistics for alerts (number of records, size used...)
| GetItemsForPeriod |
Returns the list of alerts based on the provided criterias / filters
numRecords / lastItemId can be used for paging (retrieve 50, then skip 50 and retrieve 50 more, ...)
| GetLanPeers |
Gets a list of LAN peers.
| GetLastItems |
Returns the list of alerts based on the provided criterias / filters
| GetLicenseStatus |
Gets the license status.
| GetLocalAudioSources |
Provides a list of available local audio sources (Needed for connecting new sources).
| GetMotionGraph |
Gets the motion graph.
| GetNetCams |
Gets a list of available network cameras.
| GetNetCamTemplate |
Gets a Network Camera template.
| GetNetworks |
Gets networks that are accessible on the server.
| GetOverlay |
Gets list of overlay objects.
| GetOverlayPictures |
Gets list of files that could be used as overlay pictures.
| GetProcessInfo |
Provides information about the Process (CPU Usage, Memory, Thread #, etc...).
| GetRemoteItems |
Gets a list of items on remote file system.
| GetRoles |
Gets a list of roles.
| GetRules |
Gets a list of rules.
| GetScheduler |
Gets the scheduler matrix.
| GetServiceSettings |
Returns the settings that are stored in the app.config file for the Service
| GetServiceStatus |
Provides information about the Server (Version, Last Alerts, etc...).
| GetSystemStatus |
Provides Status Variables of the application (Number of Connected Sources, Ports used by HTTP Server, Number of Connected Users, etc...).
| GetTcpPortMapping |
Gets the TCP port mapping for an UPnP router.
| GetUploadStatistics |
Gets the upload statistics.
| GetUPnPRouters |
Gets a list of available UPnP-enabled routers.
| GetUserInformations |
Gets a list of connected users with additional information.
| GetVideoSourceResolutions |
Provides the supported resolutions for a given video source.
| IsLanScannerActive |
Determines whether is the LAN scanner active.
| Login |
Logins specified username with specified password.
| SaveRule |
Saves the rule.
| SaveServiceSettings |
Tells the service to save its settings
| SendPTZCommand |
Sends a PTZ command to the camera
| SendPTZCommandJson | Same as SendPTZCommand (JSON friendly). |
| SetOverlay |
Sets the overlay.
| SetScheduler |
Sets the scheduler matrix.
| SetSchedulerJson | Same as SetScheduler (Json friendly). |
| SetServiceSettings |
SetServiceSettings(ServiceSettings settings)
Sends a new set of settings to the service (will be persisted in app.config)
| SetServiceSettingsJson |
SetServiceSettingsJson(string settings)
Sends a new set of settings to the service (will be persisted in app.config)
| SetTcpPortMapping |
Sets the TCP port mapping for an UPnP router.
| SetUserPassword |
Sets the user password.
| StartLanScan |
Starts scanning LAN.
| StartStopAudioDetector |
Starts or stops the audio detector.
| StartStopMotionDetector |
Starts or stops the motion detector.
| StartStopPlugin |
Starts or stops a specific plugin.
| StartStopRecording |
Starts or stops recording.
| StartStopTimeLapse |
Starts or stops the timelapse feature.
| StopLanScan |
Stops scanning LAN.
| SynchronizeCamTemplates |
Synchronizes Network Camera templates.
| TestCameraConnection | Tests the camera connection prior to call ConnectCamera (Netcam Camera Provider only). |
| TestEmailSender |
Test if the Email Sending plugin is properly configured.
| TestSMSSender |
Test if the Email Sending plugin is properly configured.
| UpdateGlobalVariable |
Updates the global variable.
| UpdateNetCamTemplate |
Updates the net cam template.
| UpdateNetCamTemplateJson | Same as UpdateNetCamTemplate (Json Friendly). |
| UpdateUser |
Updates information for an user.
| UpdateUserJson |
Updates information for an user (JSON friendly).
| VerifyToken |
Verifies the token.